
双语 | 发现7颗“地球”!NASA又双叒公布重大发现 外星人越来越近?

2017-02-23 译世界 译·世界




Astronomers have found at least seven Earth-sized planets orbiting the same star 40 light-years away, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. The findings were also announced at a news conference at NASA Headquarters in Washington.



This discovery outside of our solar system is rare because the planets have the winning combination of being similar in size to Earth and being all temperate, meaning they could have water on their surfaces and potentially support life.


"This is the first time that so many planets of this kind are found around the same star," said Michaël Gillon, lead study author and astronomer at the University of Liège in Belgium.


这项报告的首席作者迈克尔·吉隆(Michaël Gillon)

The seven exoplanets were all found in tight formation around an ultracool dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1. Estimates of their mass also indicate that they are rocky planets, rather than being gaseous like Jupiter. Three planets are in the habitable zone of the star, known as TRAPPIST-1e, f and g, and may even have oceans on the surface.

这七颗系外行星紧密围绕着一颗名为“TRAPPIST-1”的超低温矮恒星运转。根据对它们的质量估计,它们都属于岩态行星,而不像木星那种气态行星。其中名称为TRAPPIST-1e、 f 和 g的3颗行星位于该恒星的宜居区,它们的表面甚至可能有海洋。

The researchers believe that TRAPPIST-1f in particular is the best candidate for supporting life. It's a bit cooler than Earth, but could be suitable with the right atmosphere and enough greenhouse gases.


"I think we've made a crucial step towards finding if there is life out there," said Amaury Triaud, one of the study authors and an astronomer at the University of Cambridge. "I don't think any time before we had the right planets to discover and find out if there was (life). Here, if life managed to thrive and releases gases similar to what we have on Earth, we will know."


报告作者之一阿莫里·崔奥德(Amaury Triaud)

Life may begin and evolve differently on other planets, so finding the gases that indicate life is key, the researchers added.


And as we've learned from studying and discovering exoplanets before, where there is one, there are more, said Sara Seager, professor of planetary science and physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Seager and other researchers are encouraged by the discovery of this system because it improves our chances of finding another habitable planet, like Earth, in the future, by knowing where to look.



太阳系八大行星 Eight major planets of the solar system:

水星 Mercury

金星 Venus

地球 Earth

火星 Mars

木星 Jupiter

土星 Saturn

天王星 Uranus

海王星 Neptune


星系 galaxy

恒星 star

行星 planet

卫星 satellite

星云 nebula

银河 the Milky Way

轨道 orbit

太阳系 solar system

太阳活动 solar activity

天体 celestial body

白矮星 White dwarf

红巨星 red giant

光年 light year

近地小行星 earth-approaching asteroid

近地天体 earth-approaching object 

太阳系外行星 extrasolar planet

地外智慧生物 extraterrestrial intelligence

不明飞行物 (UFO) Unidentified Flying Object

哈勃空间望远镜 HST, Hubble Space Telescope

开普勒定律 Kepler's laws

望远镜 telescope

双筒望远镜 binoculars

国际空间站 International Space Station

美国航天局 NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

中国航天局 CNSA(China National Space Administration)

广义相对论 general theory of relativity

狭义相对论 special theory of relativity

小行星 asteroid (minor planet)

光污染 light pollution

彗星 comet

全食 total eclipse

偏食 partial eclipse                                                         

近地点 perigee

远地点 apogee

月相 phases (of the Moon)

残月 waning crescent

亏凸月 waning gibbous

娥眉月 waxing crescent

盈凸月 waxing gibbous

满月 full moon


关于浩瀚宇宙的学术研究对普罗大众来说似乎晦涩高深了一些,大家最感兴趣的仍是“外星人是否真的存在”。科幻小说界三巨头之一的英国小说家阿瑟·克拉克曾说过,“Two possibilites exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”(有两种可能:我们是宇宙中唯一的生命体,或者不是。这两种可能都细思恐极。)

科幻小说界三巨头之一的英国小说家阿瑟·克拉克(Arthur Clarke)






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